Топик: Ключи для оксфордской рабочей тетради (Upper-Intermediate)


Unit 1

1 Identifying tenses

Exercise 1

a is walking n had been b walked washed/ c 'd been walking was washed d had taken o 've been e was taken washing f '11 take p will have g 'vehad been sold h '11 be having q sells i were having r will be sold/ j is freshly made 's going to k '11 have made be sold

1 's been made s will have been m 're being teaching washed t were being taught

Exercise 2 ACTIVE

Simple Continuous Present sells is walking Past walked were

having Future will take will be

having Present Perfect have had have been

washing Past Perfect had taken had been


Future Perfect will have will have made been

teaching PASSIVE

Simple Continuous Present is made are being

washed Past was taken were being

taught Future will be sold Present Perfect has been

made Past Perfect had been

washed Future Perfect will have been sold

2 Correcting mistakes


b Manchester United are playing

really well at the moment. ... c I've heard you're going to have a

baby!/you're having a baby! ... d • e When I was a little girl, I always

spent my ...

f I've been going out with Paul ... g ... Perhaps I'll get him ... h •

i A ... strike has been called by ... j ... and deserved to pass ...

3 Choosing the right tense

a 've been looking/was looking b wonder/'m wondering/


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