Топик: Linguistic Pecularities Of Contracts in English
This beginning suggests that Knightsbridge may hand you over to somebody else after contracts are signed. If you happen to be Knightsbridge, you will want those particular rights and should use the phrase.
Without prejudice . The British use this phrase all by itself, leaving the reader intrigued: without prejudice – to what exactly? Americans use it more elaborately. Legal rights , for example, are not the same thing as remedies in the offers to enforce them. Thus it’s the American right to write:
e.g. Without prejudice to any of my existing or future rights or remedies.
We have carefully examined the samples from this consignment and offer you, without prejudice , an allowance of 50 USA cents per 50 kilos.
As between us – it is a useful phrase because people are always forgetting or neglecting to mention that a great many interests may be involved in what appears to be a simple dialogue. A is controlled by investors, and B – by a foreign parent company. That’s why it will be useful to say in such a situation as between us…
e.g. We confirm the exchange of telexes as between us follows…
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