Топик: Occurring with a writer, who write books about Australian animals

- Listen, I’ve heard that your school is on the first place for going on educational excursions and trips. And it is holding all kinds of contests and competitions, discussions and conversations.

- Oh, don’t even talk about it. It is definite true. For example every week anyone who wants may take part in nature walks. It is marvelous. Participating in this kind of activities helps me to get rid of boredom. What can be better as a true friendship with your schoolmates. And for it I like my school time.

- Maybe you are able to decide which of the reasons, why you go to school, you think most important. As for me on the first place stands a reason of that school helps you make your own decisions and introduces you to new scientific ideas.

- Other than you’re my opinion is a bit different. I apologize that school helps you to understand yourself better and makes you polite and well behaved. Furthermore it teaches you moral values and helps train you for a job.

- Maybe you’re right. Oh, Sam I’m sorry I have to run – forgot that I’ve extra-curricula classes of Biology. See you tomorrow.

- OK, Bye!

- Bye!

Immigration to Australia

- Hi, Dan!

- O, hello my friend, Sam!

- Well, what is your solution about the state we want to immigrate in Australia? Did you think of it?

- Yes I’ve been thinking of it all day, and have decided, that the best place will be the South Australia.

- Why do you think so? Could you explain this to me?

- You know, this state is the 3rd largest state in the country (Australia).

- Size doesn’t matter. What are the living conditions there?

- Most of South Australia’s people, farms and industry are in the south-eastern part of the state. Much fruit are grown there: apricots, pears, nectarines and others. And hot temperature in this state dominates. At last we will “have a rest” from our Estonian frosts.

- But, you know that where a hot temperature is, there are always deserts. And from my point of view living in the state where the most unproductive desert lands occupy the greater part is silly.

- Yes, you are right as always. And what is your opinion?

- Hmm… Let me think for a minute. Western Australia is dry and inhospitable – there are even three deserts are there: the Great Sandy Desert, the Gibson Desert and Great Victo­ria Desert; Northern Territory is the least populated and least developed part of the conti­nent, where only wild animals, as crocodiles and emu, live.

- …And about South Australia we have “completed”… What about Tasmania? Tasmania is an island state and I don’t want to live there and to become a savage in this huge country. I know - it will be Queensland state, where long sandy beautiful beaches stretch for many kilometers.

- However, the same deserts are situated there.

- Well, I would choose New South Wales – Australia’s leading indus­trial state, where most people live along the east coast, and most of them in Sydney. Syd­ney is also the largest city in Australia. Or maybe Australian Capital Territory, occupying an area of 2,432 square kilometers.

- It is situated on the same territory as New South Wales. You know it’s long enough to see a main sights of Victoria state…

- Sorry, maybe we will finish our talk later, because I have an exam at school?

- OK. See you soon. Bye!

- Bye!

Improving Language Skills

- Hello, Dan.

- Hi, Sam, glad to meet you!

- Dan, I’m taking interview to the best language learner for our class newspaper, that’ll give advice how to improve language communication skills, and want you to ask some questions for me.

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