Топик: Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England



believe, deliver, desire, directly, disturb, eleven, enough, except, occasion, inquest, epidemic

the initial “cl”

→ [tl]: clad [tlad], clap, clay, claw, clean, cleave, clergy, clerk, clew, cliff, climb, cling, clip, cloak, close, clot, cloth, cloud, clout

“gl” in the beginning of the word

→ [dl]: glad, glass, glisten, gloom, glove, glow

[l] in the middle of the word isn’t pronounced




shoulder [’∫a:d∂r]

the Middle/Eastern

[l] is often → [ ]:

bill [bı’ ]

tool [tu’ ]

nibble [nı’b ]

milk [mı’ k]

silk [sı’ k]

3. Grammar.

3.1 Nouns.

The definite article.

- There isn’t the definite article before “same”: ’Tis same’s I always told ’ee”.

- The of-phrase “the… of” is of ten used instead of the possessive pronoun (e.g. “the head of him “instead of” his head”)

The plural form of a noun.

- In many cases -s (es) can be added for several times:

e.g. steps [’steps∂z] (South Som.)

- in some cases [n] is heard at the end of the word:

e.g. keys [ki:n] (Wil.)

cows [kain] (Dev.)

bottles [botln] (South-W. Dev.)

primroses [prımr zn] (Dev.)

- but sometimes [s] is heard in the words ended with “-n”

e.g. oxen [ ksnz] (Western Som.)

rushes [rıksnz] (Dev.)

- some nouns have the same form in the singular and in the plural:

e.g. chicken - chickens [t∫ık] (Som.)

pipe - pipes [paıp] (Som.)

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