Топик: Regional variation of pronunciation in the south-west of England

want [wa:nt]

wander [wa:nd ]

is realized as [æ]:

warm [wærm]

warn [wærn]

wart [wært]

“asp”, “ass”, “ast”, “a” → [æ]: grass [græs], glass [glæs], fast [fæst]

“al + a consonant”

“l” is realized as [a:] or

[ :]:

talk [ta:k]

walk [wa:k]

chalk [t∫a:k]

balk [ba:k]

a + l, a + ll

in the open syllable

“a” → [æ]:

crane [kræn]

frame [fræm]

lame [læm]

make [mæk]

name [næm]

in the open syllable

“a” → [æ]:

crane [kræn]

frame [fræm]

lame [læm]

make [mæk]

name [næm]

The first sound is vowel

acre [jakr]

ale [jal]

acorn [’jak∂rn]

hare [hja:r]

ache [jek]

acorn [jek∂rn]

behave [bı’hjev]

“e” in the closed syllables → “a”



egg [ag], fetch [fat∫], step [stap],

wretch [rat∫], stretch [strat∫]

“e” in the closed syllables → [eı]

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