Топик: Replacement Housing (Помещения для ремонтного молодняка)
Drafts, which occur in elevated stalls with open floors for drainage, are detrimental to calf health. The incidence of calf disorders increases in warm housing facilities after several years, due in part to warm temperatures. Warm temperatures increase viability of disease organisms. The facility must be adequately ventilated and sanitized on a routine basis. Good ventilation, proper sanitation and careful observation of calves are especially essential in warm housing systems to reduce disease.
Table 7. Dairy ventilating rates. Size the system based on total building capacity.
Ventilating rates | |||
Animal |
Cold Weather [8] |
Mild Weather |
Hot weather |
cfm/animal | |||
Calves 0-2 months Heifers 2-12 months 12-24 months Cow 1,400 lb |
15 20 30 50 |
50 60 80 170 |
100 130 180 470 |
Room |
К-во Просмотров: 566
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