Топик: Stock market

SouthUral State University

The Department of Economic and Management

Work on subject

Stock marketThe Student: Velichko O.S.

Group: E&M-263

The Tutor: Sergeeva L.M.




1. Market place

2. Trading on the stock exchange floor

3. Securities. Categories of common stock

3.1 Growth stocks

3.2 Cyclical stocks

3.3 Special situations

4. Preferred stocks

4.1 Bonds-corporate

4.2 Bonds-U.S. government

4.3 Bonds-municipal

4.4 Convertible securities

4.5 Option

4.6 Rights

4.7 Warrants

4.8 Commodities and financial futures

5. Stock market averages reading the newspaper quotations

5.1 The price-earnings ratio

6. European stock markets–general trend

6.1 New ways for old

6.2 Europe, meet electronics

7. New issues

8. Mutual funds. A different approach

8.1 Advantages of mutual funds


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