Топик: Subjunctive (or conditional) mood
Ex. If he was here, he would help us.
Thus, those few forms of the Subjunctive mood that are preserved in the modern language are gradually ousted from it.
The desirable and suppositional actions are expressed also by the following combinations: should, would, may, might plus infinitive , which perform the functions of the Subjunctive mood.
Ex. There are some suggestions that might help in our work. (Имеются некоторые предположения, которые могли бы помочь в нашей работе).
Conditional sentences .
Conditional sentences are closely connected with subjunctive (conditional) mood. There are three types of conditional sentences.
Conditional sentences of the first type express entirely real and realizable suppositions and correspond in Russian language to conditional sentences with verbs in indicative mood. These conditional sentences mostly express suppositions referring to the future tens.
Ex. If the weather is fine to-morrow, we shall go to the country. (Если завтра будет хорошая погода, мы поедем за город.)
There is no necessity to further consider this type of conditional sentences as they do not conform to the theme.
The conditional sentences of the second type express incredible and improbable suppositions. They refer to the present or future and in Russian language agree with conditional sentences with verbs in Subjunctive mood (i.e. in the form of past tens with the particle бы in Russian language). In the conditional sentences of the second type in subordinate clause (in condition) there used the form of Past Indefinite and in main clause (in consequence) – a combination of should or would with Indefinite Infinitive:
Ex. If Helen knew** about Alice’s arrival (now), she would call her up . (Если бы Елена знала о прибытии Алисы, она бы ей позвонила ).
(Given sentence is incredible as Helen does not know about Alice’s arrival that is why she can not call her up.)
Ex. If my brother had** a time now, he would help them. ( Если бы у моего брата было время, он бы помог нам.)
(This sentence is also impossible as the brother has not time now that is why he can not help us.)
** We have here Subjunctive mood which however coincides with the form of Past Indefinite of Indicative mood.
The combinations such as:
1. Should (with all persons) with Infinitive without particle to;
2. Were (with all persons) with Infinitive with particle to.
are used along with Past Indefinite in order to underline a small possibility of realization of a fact in future.
Ex. If I should see him to-morrow,
I should ask him about it.
If I were to see him to-morrow,
I should ask him about it.
(Если бы я увидел его завтра, я спросил бы его об этом.)
In subordinate clauses there used sometimes combinations of would with Infinitive. I n this case the verb would is not an auxiliary verb but serves to show a request.
Ex. We should be obliged if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter. (Мы были бы обязаны, если бы Вы подтвердили (были любезны подтвердить) получение этого письма).
The following examples of sentences may also be regarded as sentences of unreal conditions for the present and future :
1. I wish I knew it. (Как жаль, что я этого не знаю).
2. I fear lest he should be late. (Я боюсь, как бы он не опоздал).
3. He spoke as if he were a doctor. (Он говорил так, как-будто он доктор).