Топик: The History of Alaska история Аляски


- In 1786 , while charting Lituya Bay, 2 small boats are

swamped by rip tides, and 21 French sailors drown.

July 8

- In 1799 , the Russian American Company is formed by Royal

Charter; they were given a 20-year monopoly on

trading on the coast from 55 degrees north.


- In 1812 , the Russian American Company establishes a post at

Fort Ross, California to grow crops for their Alaska.


- In 1848 , the Hudson's Bay Company builds Fort Selkirk, at

the confluence of the Pelly and Yukon Rivers.

- In 1852 , Fort Selkirk is destroyed by a group of Tlingits who

objected to the Hudson's Bay Company trying to

break the Tlingit monopoly on trade with the

interior tribes.

March 30

- In 1867 , the United States purchased Alaska for


July 23

- In 1867 , Alaska's first post office is authorized, to

be opened at Sitka.

October 18

- In 1867 , official ceremonies at Sitka transferred

Alaska from Russia to the United States.

July 27

- In 1868 , the Customs Act is amended to include Alaska.

October 7

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