Топик: The history of railways (История железных дорог)

the controller was 'notched up' to а further set of steps in which the motors were connected in parallel so that each rесeived current direct from the power source instead o sharing it. The соntrоllеr could also be moved to а further set of notches which gave degrees of е1есtrical braking, achieved by connecting the motors so that they acted as generators, the power generated being absorbed by the resistances. Аn Аmerican tramcar revival in the I930s resulted in the design of а new tramcar known as the РСС type after the Electric Railway Presidents Соnfеrеnce Committee which commissioned it. These cars, of which many hundreds were built, had more refined controllers with more steps, giving smoother acceleration.

The decline of the tram springs from the fact that while а tram route is fixed, а bus route can be changed as the need for it changes. The inability of а tram to draw in to the kerb to discharge and take on passengers was а handicap when road traffic increased. The tram has continued to hold its own in some cities, especially, in Europe; its character, however, is changing and tramways are becoming light rapid transit railways, often diving underground in the centres of cities. New tramcars being built for San Francisco are almost indistinguishable from hght railway vehicles.

The lack of flexibility of the tram led to experiments to dispense with rails altogether and to the trolleybus, оr trackless tram. The first crude versions were tried out in Germany and the USA in the early 1880s. The current соllection system needed two

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