Топик: Tzar Saltan

" We have bartered carpets and stallions from the Don around the whole world," they answered. " Now we sail to the eastward, to the Tzardorm of Tzar Saltan the Mighty."

"A good journey to you," said the Tzaritza. " Bear to Tzar Saltan greeting from my son, Tzarevich Guidon."

The merchants spread sail and voyaged to the Tzardom of Tzar Saltan, and a second time he summoned them to bear him company. And as they ate and drank in his sumptuous hall, he asked them: " O tradesmen and mariners, doubtless ye have traversed the whole earth. What have ye seen, and what news do ye bear ? And is there any new marvel in the white world ?"

They answered: " O mighty Tzar Saltan !

we have truly visited many countries and seen many strange things, but the most wonderful is this. When we were thy guests before, we told thee of an island on which, bare and uninhabited of old, we found a splendid Palace with a beautiful Tzaritza and a brave Tzarevich. On this sailing we passed again that way and put in at the island, and now beside the Palace of white stone there is a green garden with a mill that grinds and winnows of itself and casts the chaff a hundred versts away. Beside it is a golden column on which a cat climbs continually up and down, singing songs and telling tales. And there is a summer-house of crystal in which the cat lives. The Tzaritza showed us these wonders and her son the Tzarevich Guidon sends a greeting to thee."

When Tzar Saltan heard this, again was he seized with a desire to see the island, but, as before, his evil wife and her sister sneered and the wife said:

" A rare thing in truth! Thinkest thou the mill and cat are so wonderful ? What, indeed, are they beside a marvel of which I know ?"

" What is that?" asked the Tzar.

She answered: " Across three times nine lands, in the thirtieth Tzardom, there is a wood and in the wood a fir-tree. On the tree lives a squirrel, cracking nuts with his teeth. These are not ordinary nuts, for their shells are of gold and the kernels of emerald. He who owns this wonder is the richest Tzar in all the world, for his wealth never ceases to increase until it cannot be reckoned."

And, deeming this an even greater marvel, Tzar Saltan again laid by his purpose to visit the island.

The merchants filled their ship with new merchandise and set sail for distant lands and, passing the island again, were welcomed by Tzaritza Marfa and Tzarevich Guidon, to whom they recounted their visit to Tzar Saltan. Nor did they fail to tell how he had purposed to sail thither until he had heard of the fir-tree, the squirrel and the nuts of gold and emerald.

When they had departed, Tzarevich Guidon struck together his flint and steel, and the axe and hammer, appearing, said: "Master, we are here! By God's blessing, by the Order of the Pike, what wilt thou that we accomplish ?"

" Plant me here," said the Tzarevich, " a fir-tree. On it let there be a squirrel which cracks with its teeth nuts whose shells are of gold and their kernels of emerald."

The axe and hammer disappeared and next day, when he arose, the Tsarevich found all done as he had commanded. He bade them build a summer-house of crystal for the squirrel to live in, and the golden shells and emeralds he put into the Palace treasury till the wealth could not be reckoned.

It befell at length that the merchants' ship returned from its voyage and cast anchor at the island. The Tzaritza met and welcomed them, giving them to eat and drink till for rich feasting they scarce remembered their names. " O shipmen and merchants," she said, " what merchandise do ye bear and whither fare ye from here ? "

They answered: " We are laden with steel swords and with precious armour which we have traded through the whole world, and our way is eastward, to the Tzardom of Tzar Saltan the Magnificent."

" A fair wind to you," said the Tzaritza. " Carry my greeting, and that of my son Guidon, to Tzar Saltan."

So they sailed on to the Tzar's dominions and a third time were summoned to his presence and feasted; and before they left him he said: " O merchants and travellers, in all your wayfaring what new sights have ye seen ? And is there any fresh marvel in the white world?"

" O Tzar's majesty!" they replied. " We told thee before of the island with its Palace, its selfgrinding mill, its golden column and its learned cat, On this voyage also we visited it and were entertained right royally. And now, in addition to the other wonders we recounted, there is there a firtree, on which sits a squirrel, cracking with its teeth nuts, whose shells are gold and whose kernels are emerald. The squirrel lives in a crystal summerhouse and the gold and emeralds are piled in the Palace treasury till it overflows with such riches that the like is surely not to be seen in the whole world. The noble Tzarevich Guidon showed us these things, and we bear to thee a greeting from him and from the Tzaritza, his mother."

The Tzar was astonished to hear of this and said to his wife: " In truth, the wonders of which thou hast told me are all to be found in this surpassing island. Canst thou recall any marvel to match this ? "

She answered spitefully: " That is not so hard. There is in a dense forest, under a crooked oaktree, a great flat stone which covers an underground room, and in the room are six Tzareviches, more beautiful than can be told. Each has legs golden to the knee, arms silver to the elbow, and in his hair are little stars. A witch keeps them hidden, and there lives in the white world no man clever enough to find them out or to learn who they are."

Tzar Saltan, hearing, was silent, thinking of his dead wife and of her promise to bear him such hero-sons. He dismissed- the merchants with rich gifts and they bought goods to fill their ships and sailed away again on the wide sea-ocean.

In time they touched at the island of Tzaritza Marfa, and being entertained, recounted to her their visit to Tzar Saltan's Court and told how, for a third time, he had purposed to voyage thither, until his wife had told of the underground room, and of the six Tzareviches with legs golden, arms of silver, and with stars in their hair.

When the shipmen had departed on their way, Tzaritza Marfa told Tzarevitch Gsuidon the story of her life with Tzar Saltan and what she had suffered at the hands of her wicked sisters.

"These six Tzareviches," she said, " whom the witch hides in the forest, are surely none other than my own dear sons and thy little brothers. Let us depart to search for them."

So the Tzarevich struck together his flint and steel and bade the axe and hammer build a ship which would fly either on land or sea and which should take them to the witch's forest. Next morning all was ready, and they straightway embarked and sailed over the sea-ocean, and over the open steppe to the edge of the forest, where the Baba-Yaga had hidden the stolen Princes.

Whether the journey was long or short, whether it took a twelvemonth or a day, they found the crooked oak-tree and the Tzarevich lifted the great flat stone and they entered the underground room. They looked here and there and presently saw six little soiled shirts lying on chairs. The Tzaritza took them, washed them clean, rinsed, wrung and hung them to dry. Six little plates sat on a table unwashed. She washed them all and dried them and swept the floor. Hearing a noise outside, she said: " Someone is coming. Let us hide behind the stove."

They hid themselves, and the six Tzareviches entered, all with legs golden to the knee, arms to the elbow, and with little stars in their hair. They saw how the room had been swept and the plates and shirts made clean, and were glad. " Show thyself," they cried, "thou who hast washed and tidied our house. If thou art a beautiful girl, thou shalt be our little sister, and if thou art a Tzaritza, thou shalt be our little mother!"

Then Tzaritza Marfa showed herself, and the six Tzareviches ran to her, and she took them in her arms and kissed and caressed them and told them who they were - that she was indeed their mother and Tzarevich Guidon their little brother. She brought them from the forest to the magic ship, and it sailed with them like a white swan, over the open steppe and the blue sea-ocean to the Tzaritsa's island, to her Palace of white stone, and there they began to live happily together.

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