Учебное пособие: Английский язык для экономических специальностей (English for economists)

12. Read the text and retell the contents in Russian:

The Economy of London

London’s economy is distinguished by a multiplicity of activities that reflect the structure of the British economy as a whole. Service industries account for almost three-quarters of total employment; they include banking, insurance, the civil service, transportation, education, food and drink, printing and publishing, retailing, and numerous professional and custom services. Tourism also plays a vital part in London’s service industries. Next in importance are manufacturing and engineering and the latter has allied industries; each of these two sectors accounts for approximately 10 percent of total employment. The production of precision instruments, computers, aircraft, automobiles, chemicals, and clothing, as well as the refining of petroleum, are all important. Not unexpectedly, Greater London possesses the country’s greatest concentration of professional, technical, and administrative occupations, as well as the highest average income in Britain.

The central area of London is dominated by service employment and characterized by the localized concentration of various activities: banking and finance in the City, insurance and law in Holborn, government in Westminster, newspaper publishing in Fleet Street, medicine in Harley Street, tailoring in Savile Row, retail outlets in Bond and Oxford streets, and education in Bloomsbury. Industrial activity is important in the so-called Victorian Manufacturing Belt-a crescent-shaped band on the southern bank of the Thames River, extending northwest from the City and Southwark. Here, small-scale specialized production dominates.

Providing the raw materials and access to markets is the extensive Port of London, the major docks of which are located just downstream from London Bridge. London is one of Europe’s largest seaports and handles virtually every type of commodity and cargo. To the west of Central London are newer manufacturing areas such as Park Royal. Toward the periphery of Greater London and in the surrounding outer metropolitan area are more sophisticated and specialized industries, such as those manufacturing aircraft, computers, and electronic equipment. To the west of London, economic development has been stimulated by the presence of Heathrow International Airport, and to the south, by Gatwick International Airport.

(From an Encyclopedia)

Unit 5

Grammar : 1. Participle II.

2. Passive Voice.

3. Сравнительныеобороты.

I. Language Practice

1. Practise the intonation in the questions and the answers:

Have you a ø warranty card? Had you a ø warranty card? Have you got a ø warranty card? `How many `classes `have you `got toö day? `Is there an evening `department at the ø faculty? Are you a ø student? `You are a student of the `All-`Russian `Distance `Institute of Finance and ö Economics, aren’t ø you? `Do you ø study or ö work? Do you ø agree? `I’m ø afraid I don’t ö agree. `Do you `really think ø so? `You’re `quite ö right. `You didn’t `study `last year, did ø you?

2. Listen to the speaker; read and memorize the following words and phrases:

1. technique - [tek`ni:k] - техника (исполнения)

2. an organization chart - организационная схема

3. to designate [`dezilneit] - определять

4. executives [il`zekjutivz] - директора

5. execution [eksi`kju:•n] - выполнение

6. foreperson - мастер

7. department head - начальник (цеха)

8. with respect to - что касается

9. supply - поставка, снабжение

10. accounting - учет

11. supervision - наблюдение

12. guidance [`laidcns] - руководство

13. records and reports - учетные документы и отчеты

14. wage incentive program - программа финансово-материального стимулирования

Text. Industrial Management

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