Учебное пособие: Вивчення теми "Великобританія: видатні міста та особистості" на уроках англійської мови

Т: Do you remember the names of main town's features?

Let's refresh them by making up "Mind Map" for this topic.

2) Competition. Практикування учнів у вживанні вивчених ЛО.

Т: Make up as many sentences as you can to describe a modern town or city.

Presenting2. Уведення та первинна активізація нових ЛО теми "London is the capital of VocabularyGreat Britain".

1) Practising pronunciation. Виконання впр. 42a (стор. 37-38).

Read the words, word-combinations and sentences together with the translation.

2) Translating the sentences. Переклад речень.

T: Cover the right side of the page and translate the words, word-combinations and sentences into Ukrainian.

3) Matching. Знайти пару.

(H01 ):

Match the words, word-combinations with their translation.
1. a tomb а) Westminsteri apátság
2. great statesman b) ipari terület
3. Westminster Abbey c) sír
4. an industrial district d) közigazgatási központ
5. business centre е) államférfi
6. banks and offices f) bankok és hivatalok
7. administrative centre g) üzleti központ

Key: 1с; 2е; За; 4b; 5g; 6f; 7d.

(Н02 ): Match the sentences with their translation.
1. Westminster is the administrative centre of London. a) East End — a főváros ipari része.
2. The City is the business centre of London. b) Westminster — London közigazgatási központja.
3. To the west of Westminster is the West End. с) Westminsteri apátság — egy szép régi templom.
4. Westminster Abbey is an old beautiful church. d) A City — a város üzleti központja.
5. The East End is the industrial district of the capital. е) Az East End a Westminstertől keletre terül el .

Key: lb; 2d; Зе; 4с; 5а.

4) Practising vocabulary. Закінчити речення.

Т: Finish the sentences using the words and word-combinations of ex. 49, p. 37-38. London is... The City is... Westminster is...

The West End is to the west of...

The East End is...

Westminster Abbey is...

In Westminster Abbey there are tombs of...

Reading3. Пред'явлення тексту для читання "London", впр. 38 (стор. 34-37).

1) Pre-Reading Activities. Етап підготовки до читання тексту.

а) Problem solving.

Т: What do you think?

Why do people often collect post-cards with places of interest pictured on them?

Why are they interested in the history of cities, towns and villages?

Do you want to know more about different cities and towns in our country and abroad?

б) Read and pronounce correctly.

Greenwich meridian

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