1.Переведите словосочетания на русский: your economists’ letters, our teacher’s daughter, this student’s dictation, this engineer’s plan, his sister’s pen. 2.Поставьте сле
1.Переведите словосочетания на русский: your economists’ letters, our teacher’s daughter, this student’s dictation, this engineer’s plan, his sister’s pen. 2.Поставьте сле дующие предложения в прошедшее и будущее время:
1.We receive very many letters from them.
2.They send engineers abroad.
3.He meets his friends here.
4.Does Fred get telegrams?
5.Pete and Mike don’t ask questions.
3.Замените русские слова английскими:
1.He (не смог) do sums yesterday.
2.She (не умеет) write English.
3.We (должны будем) go to the meeting tomorrow.
4.I think you (сможете) do this work.
4.Переведите предложения на русский:
1.He’s having dinner now. His friend is having dinner too.
2.There were very many mistakes in your dictation.
3.We haven’t met them lately.
4.Why will you have to get up early tomorrow?
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