A.: I say, Kolya, you will soon finish your school, won`t you? B.: Yes, in about two months. A.: What will you do then? B.: Well, we, the motor-men, shall work on ships in the engine-room. And what about you, Alec? A.: I s...

A.: I say, Kolya, you will soon finish your school, won`t you? B.: Yes, in about two months. A.: What will you do then? B.: Well, we, the motor-men, shall work on ships in the engine-room. And what about you, Alec? A.: I shall finish school a bit later. I shall work as a deck-hand. B.: Yes, I know. A.: Do you know what you will do aboard the ships? B.: Of course, I do. Motor-men must know a lot of things about the engine. A.: What exactly do you mean? B.: We shall keep regular watches in the engine-room. It means that we must know how the engine works. We must know how to start, to run and to stop it. A: I did not see you last Sunday. Where were you? B.: Oh, I was on board a new ship. A.: Which ship was it? B.: «The Mir». She is a very large ship. Her equipment is up-to-date. I took much interest in her propelling machinery. A.: Of what type is it? B.: It is a new big steam turbine. A.: How long did you stay on the ship? B.: More than two hours. A.: Oh, I am so sorry I could not go with you. Задание II. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 1. What is Kolya`s profession? 2. When will Kolya finish his school? 3. What will Kolya do on board ship? 4. Is the equipment of «The Mir» up-to-date? 5. Why didn`t Alec see Kolya last Sunday? 6. Who keeps regular watches in the engines-room?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Kolya's profession is a motor-man. 2. Kolya will finish school in about two months. 3. On board the ship Kolya will keep regular watches in the engine-room to make sure the engine runs properly. 4. Yes, it is. 5. Because Kolya was on board a new ship called "The Mir". 6. The motor-men do.
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