Choose and circle the correct item. №11. When his wife … in everyone was talking about her. A. Was coming. B. Had come. C. Came. №12. We … about it when she told us. A. Had already known. B. Already knew. C. Have already known....

Choose and circle the correct item. №11. When his wife … in everyone was talking about her. A. Was coming. B. Had come. C. Came. №12. We … about it when she told us. A. Had already known. B. Already knew. C. Have already known. №13. My parents … together at one school for five years before they moved to Moscow. A. Had studied. B. Studied. C. Had been studying. Страница из . VI Всероссийский блицтурнир по английскому языку «Rainbow». 7-8 классы №14. My sister was ill, so we … to the party. A. Didn't went. B. Didn't go. C. Hadn't gone. №15. Jack and Sarah … married last week. A. Have got. B. Got. C. Were getting. №16. My niece likes to make .. her stories. A. Up. B. Off. C. Out. №17. The family decided to go … for a week. A. By. B. Into. C. Away. №18. How are you getting … with you parens? A. Down. B. Along. C. Over. №19. My little son can't get … the fear of deep water. A. Over. B. Back. C. Out. №20. My sister was doing … for the party. A. Away. B. Up. C. Out. Choose the right equivalent of the English proverb. №21. A friend to all is a friend to none. A. Старый друг лучше новых двух. B. Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу тебе, кто ты. C. Приятелей много, да друга нет. №22. A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile. A. Лучше горькая правда друга, чем лесть врага. B. Друг познается в беде. C. Дружба дружбой, а служба службой. Choose and circle the correct item. №23. People, who are over 65 are called … people. A. Young. B. Elderly. C. Middle-aged. №24. An older child whose age is between 13 and 19 years old is called… . A. An adult. B. An infant. C. A teenager. №25. A baby who has been recently born is called … . A. A toddler. B. A newborn. C. A youth. №26. People between 40 and 60 are called … . A. Middle-aged. B. Old. C. Elderly. Choose the right meaning and circle the correct item. №27. Like father, like son: A. Любить отца так же как сына. B. Быть не пожим на отца. C. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает. №28. The baby of the family. A. Совместный ребенок в семье. B. Младший ребенок. C. Единственный ребенок. №29. To be like to peas in a pod. A. Похожи как две капли воды. B. Круглый как горох. C. Тесно как горошинам в стручке. №30. Complete the crossword. Write out the highlighted letters, try to make up the word on the topic "family" from these letters, write this word in the answer. 1. A man at the time he gets married. 2. The man that a woman is married to. 3. The daughter of your brother or sister. 4. A girl or woman who has the same parents as you. 5. A male who has the same parents as you. 6. Father, mother and their children are called … . Answer: _______________________
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Choose and circle the correct item. №11. When his wife came in everyone was talking about her. C. Came. №12. We … about it when she told us. A. Had already known. №13. My parents … together at one school for five years before they moved to Moscow. C. Had been studying. Страница из . VI Всероссийский блицтурнир по английскому языку «Rainbow». 7-8 классы №14. My sister was ill, so we … to the party. B. Didn't go. №15. Jack and Sarah … married last week. B. Got. №16. My niece likes to make .. her stories. A. Up. №17. The family decided to go … for a week. C. Away. №18. How are you getting … with you parens? B. Along. №19. My little son can't get … the fear of deep water. A. Over №20. My sister was doing … for the party. C. Out. Choose the right equivalent of the English proverb. №21. A friend to all is a friend to none. C. Приятелей много, да друга нет. №22. A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile. A. Лучше горькая правда друга, чем лесть врага. Choose and circle the correct item. №23. People, who are over 65 are called … people. B. Elderly.. №24. An older child whose age is between 13 and 19 years old is called… . C. A teenager. №25. A baby who has been recently born is called … . B. A newborn. №26. People between 40 and 60 are called … . A. Middle-aged. Choose the right meaning and circle the correct item. №27. Like father, like son: C. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает. №28. The baby of the family. B. Младший ребенок. №29. To be like to peas in a pod. C. Тесно как горошинам в стручке. №30. Complete the crossword. Write out the highlighted letters, try to make up the word on the topic "family" from these letters, write this word in the answer. 1. A man at the time he gets married. (bridegroom, groom, husband) 2. The man that a woman is married to. (husband) 3. The daughter of your brother or sister. (niece) 4. A girl or woman who has the same parents as you. (sister) 5. A male who has the same parents as you. (brother) 6. Father, mother and their children are called (family) … .
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