Choose one of the insects. Find out all that you can about it and write a project. Present it to classmates. 1. Where does it live? 2. What life stages does it have? 3. What does it look like?4. What does it eat? 5. How long do...
Choose one of the insects. Find out all that you can about it and write a project. Present it to classmates.
1. Where does it live?
2. What life stages does it have?
3. What does it look like?
4. What does it eat?
5. How long does it live?
6. Are there any amazing facts about this insect?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Where does it live? Grasshoppers live in fields of wheat and rye, on the outskirts of the forest, where few trees, meadows surrounded by water and mixed grass steppes(Кузнечики живут на пшеничных полях, а так же засеянных рожью, на окраинах леса, где мало деревьев, на лугах окруженных водоемами и в разнотравных степях.
2. What life stages does it have? In the fall females lay in the land of eggs from which larvae appear in spring, like adults, only they are small and without wings.
(Осенью самки откладывают в землю яйца, из которых весной появляются личинки, похожие на взрослых особей, только они маленькие и без крыльев. ) What does it look like?Some of them only green, there are gray, yellow or red abdomen. Due to the ability to expand the elytra of these insects are able to disguise themselves, becoming similar to the leaves( Некоторые из них только зеленые, бывают серые, с желтым или красным брюшком. Благодаря умению расширять надкрылья эти насекомые умеют маскироваться, становясь похожими на листья. )
4. What does it eat? Больше всего кузнечики любят кустарники и травянистые заросли.(Most grasshoppers like the bushes and grassy thickets)
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