Exercise 16. Read the text and use the articles where necessary. Paris There are many … big cities in … France. They are Paris, Marseilles, Lyon and others. Paris is ... capital of ... country. It is ... large political, cultu...

Exercise 16. Read the text and use the articles where necessary. Paris There are many … big cities in … France. They are Paris, Marseilles, Lyon and others. Paris is ... capital of ... country. It is ... large political, cultural and trade centre of France. There are a lot of historical buildings, monuments and ... museums there. They are in ... centre of ... city. Paris is … green city. There are … beautiful parks, squares and wide streets in ... city. There is ... underground there, too. It is ... big indus¬trial centre of France. There are many … plants, banks and offices there. There are many modern buildings, institutes and universities in … Paris. There are some new and some old districts there. There are many interesting monuments in ... old districts, too.
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It 's a large political. ... There are centre of the city Paris is a green city It is a big industrial universities in the Paris monuments in the old districts
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