Из действительного в страдательный. 1-The quests sang us a song. 2-I can recommend you a good book. 3-Someone wrote me a funny letter. 4-Tom is reading the text to me. 5-My boss has mentioned this idea to me.

Из действительного в страдательный. 1-The quests sang us a song. 2-I can recommend you a good book. 3-Someone wrote me a funny letter. 4-Tom is reading the text to me. 5-My boss has mentioned this idea to me.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1-The quests sang us a song. A song was sung by the quests 2-I can recommend you a good book A good book can be recommended me by him. 3-Someone wrote me a funny  letter. A funny letter was written me by someone 4-Tom is reading the text to me. The text is being read to me by tom 5-My boss has mentioned this idea to me. This idea has been mentioned to me by my boss
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