Как избавиться от алкогольной зависимости ( на английском)
Как избавиться от алкогольной зависимости ( на английском)
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ne pit alkogol vse prosto
How to get rid of alcohol addiction on their own: folk remedies.Alcoholism originated much earlier than medicine, so still known folk remedies used by our ancestors to get rid of the "green" of the disease. Some recipes use so far, so the fight against alcoholism people are willing to try anything that can bring results. However, to call a particular recipe that will get rid of alcohol addiction can not be, because it simply does not exist. And as in any business, there is an important role played by human desire. Deciding to resort to traditional medicine, it is necessary to be prepared for what will have to try several methods and recipes, because they are all unique. The most common folk remedies based on herbs and infusions, so at particular risk to health can not apply.
Broad popular herbal tea, they have been using for about a hundred years, so the question of trust is automatically removed. We need to take yarrow, wormwood and St. John's wort is based on each pot at 20 grams; 10 grams: angelica, creeping thyme; 5 grams of peppermint and 5 grams of juniper. All herbs need to grind and mix thoroughly. Then you must take china, hover over it one tablespoon of herbs cup of boiling water. After fifteen minutes, you need to drain fluid and the resulting infusion drink. Such collection must take one glass at least three times a day for 10 days. The treatment should be repeated five days for 5-9 months (depending on alcohol dependence degree).
Another popular folk remedy for alcohol dependence is the following herbal tincture: it is necessary to combine 4 tablespoons of the root Elecampane, 4 tablespoons of tansy, 3 tablespoons of thyme and 2 tablespoons marjoram, elder flowers and dried fruits blackberries. Herbs need to grind and mix thoroughly. Then spoon a tablespoon collection pour a glass of boiling water is necessary. Infusion should be no less than thirty minutes, then drain and it can be consumed. It is best to use the infusion on an empty stomach, so it should be no less than half an hour before a meal. The treatment of this infusion of a couple of months, with regular and timely use.
There tincture, after drinking which a person produces an aversion to all alcoholic beverages. That's just the maximum effect is achieved if the person does not know for what purpose he was given to drink this wonderful broth. You can give this infusion as an antipyretic or under some other pretext. Most importantly, this did not feel dirty trick. A recipe for this elixir is simple: a teaspoon of root lyubistika need to pour a glass of vodka and infuse for two weeks. Then infusion of strain and have to wait for the right moment to use it.
Another tool that reduces the craving in alcohol, is an infusion of alcohol and red pepper. It is necessary to pour 20 grams of red pepper 500 ml of pure alcohol, insist two weeks and add 2-3 drops per liter of alcohol.
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