Кто ас в английском помогите плиз перевести 10 предложений

Кто ас в английском помогите плиз перевести 10 предложенийWendy (Винди) перешла из частной школы в общественную школу.Для нее было не просто привыкнуть к новому коллективу.Ее радовало что в новой школе можно было не носить униформу и одевать джинцы.Винди очень скучало по своим бывшим одноклассникам ведь она провила с ними 9 лет. Ее не радовало то что в общественной школе не вкусно готовили. Также ее не радовали troublemakers (гопари) которых было много. Со временем она знакомиться с ребятами по спортивной команде и большую часть составляют мальчики. Некоторые оценки за симестр ее не устраивали но она старалась и не плохо писала сложные контрольные. В целом ей понравилась общественная школа.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Wind shifted from a private school at public school.For it was not easy to get used to the new kollektivu.Her delighted that the new school could not wear uniforms and dress dzhintsy.Vindi very homesick for their former classmates because she howled with them for 9 years. She was not pleased with the fact that in public school does not prepare delicious. Also, it did not please troublemakers (gopari) which was a lot. Eventually she met with the guys on sports teams and most are boys. Some estimates for simestr did not suit her but she tried not bad to write complex control. In general, she liked the public schools.
Wendy (Винди) has passed from a private school in public school. For it it was not simple to get used to new collective. Her pleased that at new school it was possible not to carry a uniform and to dress jeans. Wendy very much missed on the former schoolmates after all it has spent with them 9 years. She was not pleased with those that at public school is not tasty prepared. Also her did not please troublemakers (гопари) which was much. In due course it to get acquainted with children on a team and the most part is made by boys. Some estimations for симестр did not suit it but she tried and not badly wrote the difficult control. As a whole it liked public school.
в гугле есть переводчик. [ссылка заблокирована по решению администрации проекта] Рё ответы mail.ru&lr=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wT#
Wendy (Wind) has moved from a private school at public shkolu.Dlya it was not easy to get used to the new kollektivu.Ee delighted that the new school could not wear uniforms and dress dzhintsy.Vindi very homesick for their former classmates because she howled with 9 years. She was not pleased with the fact that in public school does not prepare delicious. Also, it did not please troublemakers (gopari) which was a lot. Eventually she met with the guys on sports teams and most are boys. Some estimates for simestr did not suit her but she tried not bad to write complex control. In general, she liked the public schools.
Wendy (Винди) has passed from a private school in public school. For it it was not simple to get used to new collective. Her pleased that at new school it was possible not to carry a uniform and to dress джинцы. Винди on the former schoolmates after all it провила with them 9 years very missed. She was not pleased with those that at public school is not tasty prepared. Also her did not please troublemakers (гопари) which was much. In due course it to get acquainted with children on a team and the most part is made by boys. Some estimations for симестр did not suit it but she tried and not badly wrote the difficult control. As a whole it liked public school. Я точно не знаю, наверно не так, проверь....
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