Мне нужен топик на тему. "Things that really annoy me" " Вещи которые реально раздражают меня". Help me please.
Мне нужен топик на тему. "Things that really annoy me" " Вещи которые реально раздражают меня". Help me please.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Top 100 most annoying things:
1. Chavs
2. People driving close behind you
3. People who smell
4. People who eat with their mouth open
5. Rude shop assistants
6. Foreign call centres
7. Stepping in dog poo
8. People who cough and do not cover their mouths
9. Slow internet connections
10. Poor customer service
11. Dog owners that don't clean up after their dog
12. Noisy Eaters
13. Cold-callers
14. Door-to-door salesman
15. Stubbing your toe
16. Bullying
17. Computer crashing losing work you've spent three hours doing
18. People who talk loudly on their mobile phones
19. Spam email
20. The nation's obsession with Z-list celebrities
21. Leaving a tissue in a pocket and putting it in a washing machine
22. Driving slow in the fast lane
23. Adverts in between programmes
24. Toilets you have to pay for
25. The nation's obsession with the Katie & Peter split saga
26. People reading over your shoulder
27. People that park in disabled bays when they're not disabled
28. Brownnosers
29. People who complain about their weight yet make no effort to exercise or eat properly
30. People jumping the queue at the bar
31. Junk mail
32. Tailgaters
33. Big Brother
34. Muggers
35. MPs' expenses
36. Stepping in chewing gum
37. Pricey train fares
38. People who walk painfully slowly on the street
39. Noisy neighbours
40. People who sniff and don't use a tissue
41. Sweating
42. Binge drinking culture
43. Feeling bloated
44. The recession
45. Delays at the airport
46. Automated phone systems
47. Smoking
48. Road rage
49. People that have their mobile turned off when you really need to get in contact with them
50. Running out of toilet roll
51. Coverage of Michael Jackson's death
52. Reality TV
53. Flies
54. Finding a flat tyre
55. Parking costs
56. Bossiness
57. Rubbish opening times to doctors, dentists
58. When your washing machine breaks down
59. Politicians
60. Paper cuts
61. Buses not arriving on time
62. Singers who mime
63. People who can't park properly
64. Over packaged kids toys
65. Diarrhoea
66. Constipation
67. Text message speak
68. Bad hair days
69. Getting something in your eye
70. The hot water running out when you're running a bath
71. People who drive in the middle lane of motorways
72. People who mumble
73. Slow traffic lights
74. Cashiers giving you your change on top of a receipt
75. Cramp
76. Reading about Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston saga
77. Unpredictable weather
78. Cars blocking pedestrian crossings
79. Adult acne
80. People who are not polite in emails
81. Yo-yo dieting celebs
82. Trying to find the end of the sticking tape or toilet roll
83. Pimped up cars
84. Traffic wardens
85. Losing your passport
86. Running out of petrol
87. Burning your toast
88. Sunburn
89. iPhone obsessives
90. Celebrity fitness DVDs
91. People addicted to watching soaps
92. Breaking a nail
93. Bankers
94. PDA (public displays of affection)
95. Under performance
96. Someone altering your seat height at work
97. People who don't remove their shoes in the house
98. Children at weddings
99. Hot weather when you're not on holiday
100. Sports commentary
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