Можно 10 правил на дороге на английском

Можно 10 правил на дороге на английском
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The rules of safe behavior on the road: One should walk only on sidewalks, pedestrian or bike path, if not on the roadside. In their absence it is possible to move along the edge of the carriageway facing traffic vehicles. Where there is a traffic light to cross the road only on a green signal of a traffic light. In places where there are no traffic lights, safe to cross the road through underground or overhead pedestrian crossing, and in their absence by a pedestrian ("Zebra"). If there is no crosswalk, you must go to the nearest intersection. If the there is no crosswalk, no intersection, the road proceed along the shortest path. And only there, where the road without fences and is clearly visible in both directions, looking carefully left and right. You cannot climb over fences. If the road is wide, and you don't have time to go, to ride out on "the island". If there are adults, ask them to help you cross the road. Playing games on the road and on the sidewalk is dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to run out on the carriageway from behind the trees, cars and other objects that obstruct the driver see you in time.
Any movement should be carried out only on the right side. This applies not only to cars and all other types of transport and pedestrians moving on the sidewalk.Where no sidewalks have to be very careful to move on the road, against the flow of traffic.To cross the territory of the traffic is possible only on specifically designed for this pedestrian crossing, labeled "Zebra," or a green light in those places where there is a traffic light. If on the road there is unregulated pedestrian crossing, you must first clearly to ensure the safety of your next manoeuvre and the absence of moving cars and other vehicles, even despite the fact that drivers in this situation are required to pass people. In all cases, it should be understood that sitting behind the wheel people can fail to notice a child or adult crossing the road, and the car needs time to stop.The red and yellow light a traffic is prohibited, both for pedestrians and for vehicles.When you exit the trolley, bus or tram we should not immediately cross the road, avoiding vehicle. Better to wait for the moment when large vehicles drive off from a stop and safely complete the maneuver, make sure it's safe.Crossing the road with an adult, must hold tight to his hand and not let go, all while crossing the roadway is completed.Under any circumstances are not allowed to jump out into the road in front of a moving car.When driving in the car must sit in the designated chair and never unfasten seat belts while driving.Special caution should be exercised when riding on roller skates, a skateboard or Bicycle.
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