Надо перевести из активного залога в пассивный. 1.The English Channel separates Great Britain from the continent. 2.The Atlantic Ocean washes the Western coast of Great Britain. 3.We call the narrowest part of the English Chan...

Надо перевести из активного залога в пассивный. 1.The English Channel separates Great Britain from the continent. 2.The Atlantic Ocean washes the Western coast of Great Britain. 3.We call the narrowest part of the English Channel the Strait of Dover. 4.Scotland occupies the highland area. 5.The Gulf Stream influences the climate of Great Britain. 6.The cool temperate climate and the even distribution of rainfall ensure a long growing season. 7.They built the canals to meet special needs. 8.Two Germanic tribes invaded Britain in the 5-th centuiy. 9.One can find a number of forests on the map of England. 10.This wind can bring cold, dry continental type of weather. 11.They never speak English. 12.Scotland successfully resisted English attempts at domination. 13.You can easily transport food from one end of the countiy to the other.
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gb is separated from the continent by the English chanel the western coast of gb is washed by the Atlantic Ocean the narrowest part of English Channel is called the strait of dover можно я дальше не буду?
1.Great Britain is separated from the continent by The English Channel 2.The western coast of Great britaing is washed by The Atlantic Ocean 3.The narrowest part of The English Channel is called the Strait of Dover by them 4.The highland area is occupied by Scotland 5.The climate of Great Britain is influenced by The Gulf Stream 6.A long growing season is ensured by the cool temperate climate and the even distribution of rainfall 7.The canals were built by them to meet special needs 8.Britain was invaded by two Germanic tribes in the 5-Th century 9.A number of forests can be found on the map of England 10.Cold,dry continental type of weather can be brought by this wind 11.English is never spoken by them 12.English attempts at domination were successfully resisted by Scotland 13.Food can be easily transported by you from one end of the country to the other
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