Написать десять предложений про Украину на английском языке

Написать десять предложений про Украину на английском языке
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Ukraine is the country in central Europe. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv, beautiful green city on Dnipro. Ukraine have an interesting culture and old history. For me it's the best country, because it's my native one.
Ukraine is a sovereign state. Its independence was proclaimed in 1991. The country has its own territory, government, national emblem, state flag and anthem. There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic. The head of the state is the president. The form of governing is presidential republic.Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern part of Europe. In the west it borders on Poland, Slovakia, Hungary. In the south-west Ukraine borders on Romania and Moldova. In the East and North its neighbours are Russian and Belarus. In the South the country is washed by the Black sea and the Azovsea.​Ukraine covers an area of more than six hundred and three thousand seven hundred (603 700) square kilometres. Its population is about 50 million inhabitants.​About 95% or the territory is flat and 5% is mountains. In the west there are the Carpathian Mountains and in the south the Crimean Mountains. The highest mountain in Ukraine is Goverla. The major rivers are the Dnipro, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets. The Dnipro is one of the longest European rivers and one of the country’s main sources of hydroelectric power.​Ukraine has rich deposits of iron ore, colour metals, coal, oil, gas, mineral salts, marble, bauxites and other mineral resources. The country has metallurgical and heavy industries, chemicals, light and food industries, mechanical-engineering industry. It produces planes and ships, buses, motorcars, powerful locomotives, agricultural machines, chemicals, textiles and various consumer goods.​Ukraine has highly developed agriculture. It grows wheat, maize, buckwheat, corn,  sunflowers, flax and vegetables.​Ukraine has an ancient history. Its capital was called “the mother of all Russian cities”. Forcenturies the gold-domed Kyiv was the capital of Kyivska Rus.
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