Напишите колобка на английском. только сами не списывая из интернета.Срочно надо

Напишите колобка на английском. только сами не списывая из интернета.Срочно надо
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
There was an old couple. Asks the old man: - Bake, old woman, Gingerbread man! - What is the oven? Flour is not present, - he meets the old woman. - Eh, old woman! Box scratch, Soucek pomati; maybe flour and typed. Took the old wing, on the box scratches, Soucek Pamela, and tore handfuls of flour with two. Kneaded with sour cream, fried in butter and laid it on the window postedit. Gingerbread lay — lay, but suddenly and rolled — with Windows on the bench, from the bench to the floor, across the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold into the hall, from the hall to the porch, from the porch — in the yard, the yard outside the gate, on and on. Kolobok rolls down the road, and towards to him a hare: - Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you. - Don't eat me, scythe, Bunny! I will sing you a song, — said the Kolobok and started singing: I'm Kolobok, Kolobok! I box screen According meten Soucek, Sour cream meshon, Yes, oil pragon, On the window side; I from grandfather left, I left my grandmother, And from you, hare, not cleverly escape! And rolled on; the only hare even saw it! Rolls Gingerbread man, meet him wolf: - Kolobok, Kolobok! I'll eat you! - Don't eat me, gray wolf! I will sing you a song, — said the Kolobok and started singing: I'm Kolobok, Kolobok! I box screen According meten Soucek, Sour cream meshon, Yes, oil pragon, On the window side; I from grandfather left, I left my grandmother, I went from the hare, And from you, wolf, not cunning to leave. And it went on; only the wolf saw him. Rolls Gingerbread man, meet him bear: - Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you. - Don't eat me, bear! I will sing you a song, — said the Kolobok and started singing: I'm Kolobok, Kolobok! I box screen According meten Soucek, Sour cream meshon, Yes, oil pragon, On the window side; I from grandfather left, I left my grandmother, I went from the hare, I from a wolf left, And you, bear, not cleverly escape! And started once more, just bear it and see! Rolling, rolling "Kolobok, and towards to him a Fox: - Hello, Gingerbread Man! How beautiful you are. Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you. - Don't eat me, Lisa! I will sing you a song, — said the Kolobok and started singing: - I'm Kolobok, Kolobok! I box screen According meten Soucek, Sour cream meshon, Yes, oil pragon, On the window side; I from grandfather left, I left my grandmother, I went from the hare, I from a wolf left, And the Bear is gone, And from you, Fox, and even more so go! - What a glorious song! — said the Fox. But I, Gingerbread man, star became hard of hearing; sit on my face Yes again to sing their song even louder. The gingerbread man jumped on the Fox's snout and sang the same song. - Thank You, Kolobok! A good song to listen to! Sit on my face and sing in last just once, ' said the Fox, and puts out his tongue; the Colobok jumped on her tongue, and the Fox AM it! And ate a bun...
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