Напишите по образцу. he/see HAS HE SEEN her? YES,HE HAS SEEN her. HE SAW her a minute ago. 1.he/come .................................................................................................................................

Напишите по образцу. he/see HAS HE SEEN her? YES,HE HAS SEEN her. HE SAW her a minute ago. 1.he/come ....................................................................................................................................................... Yes,he .................................. . He ................................................... an hour ago. 2.you/read .............................................. the book? Yes,I ...................................... the book . I ...................................................... it two days ago . 3. she/translate ........................................ the text? Yes,she .................................... the text. She ................................. it ten minutes ago. 4. they/meet .................................................. the teaher? Yes,they .............................................. the teacher. They .............................................................. him five minutes ago. 5.he/build .............................................. a bridge? Yes,he ................................................................... a bridge. He .......................................... it ten minutes ago. 6.they/have ............................. lunch? They ..................... lunch. They .................................. lunch ten minutes ago. 7.the taxi/come ........................................................... . Yes,it .................................... . It .................................................... a minute ago. 8.he/see ........................................ Red Square? Yes,he .............................. it. He ......................... it two days ago. 9.the lesson/begin .................................................................................. . Yes,the lesson ............................................................ . It ............................................five minutes ago. 10. it/drink ................................. the milk? Yes,it ......................... the milk. It ................... the milk two minutes ago. Помогите пожалуйста Задание 153 Е.А. Барашкова ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Сборник упражнения часть 2 К учебнику И.Н Верещагиной и О.В.Афанасьевой "ENGLISH VI"
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.Has he come? Yes,he has. He came an hour ago. 2.Have you read the book? Yes,I have read the book . I read it two days ago . 3. Has she translated the text? Yes, she has translated the text. She translated it ten minutes ago. 4. Have they met the teacher? Yes, they have met the teacher. They met him five minutes ago. 5.Has he built a bridge? Yes, he has built a bridge. He built it ten minutes ago. 6.Have they had lunch? They have had lunch. They had lunch ten minutes ago. 7.Has a taxi come? Yes, it has. It came a minute ago. 8.Has he seen Red Square? Yes, he has seen it. He saw it two days ago. 9.Has the lesson begun? Yes,the lesson has begun. It began five minutes ago. 10. Has it drunk the milk? Yes,it has drunk the milk. It drank the milk two minutes ago.
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