Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение о пословице на английском языкевыберите одну любую пословицу и о ней напишите, только, чтобы оно было немаленьким
Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение о пословице на английском языке
выберите одну любую пословицу и о ней напишите, только, чтобы оно было немаленьким
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Motherland - the place where you were born. Native people - the people who gave you life. Homeland is often compared to her mother. Birthplace of one , be able to stand up for her and proud of her . What a simple and challenging word ... Motherland . Motherland - a certain place where you were born . Most often we call home to the city in which we were born , at least - district court, where the game grew, friends, fell in love, fought, became people. And you're fighting for the honor of the court, taking wary of strangers . And we call home to his father's house , where it is always going back , where they will take in sorrow and in joy , where people live , for which , as we might become years , we will always be children. Each new person in your family first to get used to her custom, to the unwritten laws of this house. Motherland - a house . And somewhere leaving a long time, we say: " Home sweet home " want to go where the native walls , where native people , friends, lovers . Home was once a symbol of the land taken from the native threshold , which in amulets worn on the breast soldiers , forced to fight away from home . Homeland - you yourself as a representative of the genus , families . Native people - the people who gave you life, raised you raised . The strongest connection - related . Native people can become friends and loved ones . Native to you, of course , will have your children that you give life. Why Homeland ? Because this is where many generations of your ancestors . You can change the place of residence, and your children will have it their homeland, but not for you. Why so often in works of art home compared with the mother ? Probably because each of us has his own mother , but there are common mother - our land . Mother 's upbringing , feeds , teaches walk, think. Then the child grew up never give offense to his mother and handsomely reward her for those sleepless nights , pain , tears, sweat , which she gave him to become a man. Homeland - you yourself as a representative of the nation. We say " mother tongue ", " native environment ." Many languages you learn , you will see countries and cultures studied, but always and everywhere you will have one homeland . "Know how to stand up for her ," to defend it , be proud , be able to pass this pride of others.
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