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Напишите все возможные вопросы к следующим предложениям
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) Does my best friend Jeff live in London ? General 2) Where does my best friend Jeff ? Special 3) who lives in London ? Question to the Subject 4) Does my best friend Jeff live in London or Berlin ? Alternative 5) My best friend Jeff lives in London , doesn't he ? Disjunctive 6) can you tell me who lives in London ? Indirect speech Am I writing a letter at the moment? General When am I writing a letter ? Special Who is writing a letter ? Question to the Subject I am writing a letter at the moment , aren't I ?Disjunctive Am I writing a letter or poem at the moment? Alternative Can you tell me who is writing a letter at the moment? Indirect speech Did we go to Moscow three weeks ago ? General When did we go to Moscow ? Special Who did go to Moscow three weeks ago ? Question to the Subject We went to Moscow three weeks ago , didn't we ? Disjunctive Did we go to Moscow or Paris there weeks ago ? Alternative Can you tell me who did go to Moscow three weeks ago ? Indirect speech
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