Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. Is Moscow larger than Leningrad or smaller? 2. Which is the largest city in the Soviet Union? 3. Which is the most beautiful place that you know in ...

Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. Is Moscow larger than Leningrad or smaller? 2. Which is the largest city in the Soviet Union? 3. Which is the most beautiful place that you know in our country? 4. Which is the longest river in the Soviet Union? 5. Is the Volga longer or shorter than the Don? 6. Which is the most beautiful square (street) in Moscow? 7. Which is the newest hotel in Moscow? 8. Which is the oldest building in Moscow? 9. Which is the highest building in Moscow? 10. Which is the shortest way from Red Square to the Exhibition? 11. Are the streets in Moscow cleaner now than they were a few years ago? 12. Which was the most difficult subject you had at school? 13. Is English grammar more difficult than Russian grammar, or is it less difficult? 14. Is your friend taller than you, or shorter? 15. Which of you is the tallest (shortest)? 16. Are you older than your friend? 17. How much older are you than he is?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Moscow is larger than Leningrad 2. Moscow was the largest city in the Soviet Union 3. I think the most beautiful place in our country is /сюда вписывай место которое ты считаешь самым красивым в нашей стране/ можно еще написать так: I think /место/ is the most beautiful place in our country 4. The longest river in the Soviet Union was Amour /по некоторым данным еще Обь считают/ 5. Volga is longer than Don 6. The most beautiful square in Moscow is /впиши сюда самую красивую улицу Москвы по твоему мнению/ 7. ??? откуда это вообще можно узнать? посмотри в интернете и напиши "The newest Moscow hotel is <...>" 8. The Spassky Cathedral is the oldest building in Moscow 9. Federation Tower is the highest building in Moscow 10. не знаю, честно, не москвичка. Напиши "The shortest way from Red Square to the Exhibition is..." и далее вписывай кратчайший путь с Красной Площади до какой-то там Выставки 11. I think the streets are cleaner than they were a few years ago 12. The most difficult subject at school was /пиши сюда свой труднейший предмет/ 13. My native language in Russian so I think that English Grammar is much more difficult, since it is so different. 14. My friend is taller/shorter than me /смотря выше твой друг или ниже тебя/ 15. /впиши сюда имя низкого друга/ is the shortest person I know and /впиши сюда имя высокого друга/ is the tallest one. 16. тут зависит тоже от возраста твоего друга. если он старше, то "I am younger than my friend", если же младше, то younger замени на older 17. пиши разницу вашу в возрасте. "I am /цифра/ years older/younger than him/her"
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