Перевод на английский: Марусин отец был генеральным директором производственно-технического комбината. Звали его Федор Макарович. Мать заведовала крупнейшим в городе пошивочным ателье. Звали ее Галина Тимофеевна. Марусины родит...
Перевод на английский:
Марусин отец был генеральным директором производственно-технического комбината. Звали его Федор Макарович. Мать заведовала крупнейшим в городе пошивочным ателье. Звали ее Галина Тимофеевна. Марусины родители не были карьеристами. Наоборот, они производили впечатление скромных, застенчивых и даже беспомощных людей. Федор Макарович, например, стеснялся заходить в трамвай и побаивался официантов. Поэтому он ездил в черной горкомовской машине, а еду брал из закрытого распределителя.
Галина Тимофеевна, в свою очередь, боялась крика и не могла уволить плохую работницу. Поэтому увольнениями занимался местком, а Галина Тимофеевна вручала стахановцам награды. Марусины родители не были созданы для успешной карьеры. К этому их вынудили, я бы сказал, гражданские обстоятельства.
Есть данные, гарантирующие любому человеку стремительное номенклатурное восхождение. Для этого надо обладать четырьмя примитивными качествами. Надо быть русским, партийным, способным и трезвым. Причем необходима именно совокупность всех этих качеств. Отсутствие любого из них делает всю комбинацию совершенно бессмысленной.
Русский, партийный, способный алкаш – не годится. Русский, партийный и трезвый дурак – фигура отживающая. Беспартийный при всех остальных замечательных качествах – не внушает доверия. И наконец, трезвый, способный еврей-коммунист – это даже меня раздражает.
Марусины родители обладали всеми необходимыми данными. Они были русские, трезвые, партийные и если не чересчур способные, то, как минимум, дисциплинированные. Поженились они еще до войны. К двадцати трем годам Федор Макарович стал инженером. Галина Тимофеевна работала швеей-мотористкой.
Затем наступил тридцать восьмой год. Конечно, это было жуткое время. Однако не для всех. Большинство танцевало под жизнерадостную музыку Дунаевского. Кроме того, ежегодно понижались цены. Икра стоила девятнадцать рублей килограмм. Продавалась она на каждом углу. Конечно, невинных людей расстреливали. И все же расстрел одного шел на пользу многим другим. Расстрел какого-нибудь маршала гарантировал повышение десяти его сослуживцам. На освободившееся место выдвигали генерала. Должность этого генерала занимал полковник. Полковника замещал майор. Соответственно повышали в званиях капитанов и лейтенантов.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Marusin father was the general manager of production and technical plant. His name was Fedor Kravchuk. The mother was in charge of the city's largest sewing studio. Her name was Galina Timofeevna. Marusino parents were not careerists. On the contrary, they gave the impression of a modest, shy and even helpless people. Fedor Kravchuk, for example, to enter the tram shy and afraid of the waiters. So he went to a black gorkomovskoy car, and take food from a closed valve.
Galina Timofeevna, in turn, was afraid to cry and could not lay off a bad worker. Therefore layoffs engaged local committee, and handed Galina Timofeevna Stakhanovites awards. Marusino parents were not created for a successful career. By this they were forced to, I would say, civil circumstances.
There is evidence, guaranteeing anyone nomenclature rapid ascent. For this purpose it is necessary to have four primitive qualities. You have to be Russian, the party, capable and sober. And it requires the collection of all these qualities. The absence of any of them does all the combination of completely meaningless.
Russian, the party capable of drunk - not good. Russian, party sober fool - a figure moribund. Nonpartisan with all other outstanding qualities - does not inspire confidence. Finally, sober, capable of Jew-communist - it even annoys me.
Marusino parents had all the necessary data. They were Russian, sober, and if the party is not too capable, then at least disciplined. They married before the war. For twenty-three years of Fedor Kravchuk he became an engineer. Galina Timofeevna worked as a seamstress, machine operator.
Then came the thirty-eighth year. Of course, it was a terrible time. However, not all. Most dance to upbeat music Dunayevsky. In addition, the prices went down every year. Eggs cost nineteen rubles a kilogram. I sell it on every street corner. Of course, innocent people were shot. Yet one shot was to the benefit of many others. The shooting of a guaranteed increase of ten marshal his colleagues. On the vacated seat advanced general. Position of General Colonel held. Colonel Major deputized. Accordingly, increased in rank captains and lieutenants.
Marusin father was the General Director of production and technical combine. His name was Fedor Makarovich. Mother was in charge of the city's largest factories. Her name was Galina Timofeevna. Morosini parents were not careerists. On the contrary, they gave the impression of a modest, timid and even helpless people. Fedor Kravchuk, for example, hesitated to go into the tram and was afraid of the waiters. So he went to the black gorkomovskoy car, and food were taken from a closed dispenser.Galina Timofeevna, in turn, was afraid of the Creek and could not fire a bad worker. Therefore, layoffs were engaged in the local Committee, and Galina Petrova was awarded the Stakhanovite awards. Morosini parents were not created for a successful career. To this they were forced, I would say, civil circumstances.There is evidence guaranteeing anyone rapid stock ascent. This should have four primitive qualities. You have to be Russian party, capable and sober. Moreover, it is necessary the combination of all these qualities. The lack of any of them makes the whole combination is completely pointless.Russian, party, drunk, able – no good. Russian, party and sober the fool – the figure is moribund. Non-partisan with all its other great qualities – does not inspire confidence. And finally sober, capable Jew-Communist – it even annoys me.Morosini parents had all the necessary data. They were Russian, sober, party and if you are not too able, then at least disciplined. They married before the war. Twenty-three years Fedor Kravchuk became an engineer. Galina Timofeevna, worked as a seamstress-turned-machine operator.Then came the thirty-eighth year. Of course, it was a scary time. However, not all. Most danced to cheerful music by Dunayevsky. In addition, each year decreased prices. The caviar was worth nineteen rubles a kilogram. It was sold on every corner. Of course, innocent people were shot. And yet, the shooting one was for the benefit of many others. The execution of any Marshal is guaranteed to increase in ten of his colleagues. The vacant seat was forward General. The position the General held Colonel. The Colonel was replaced by major. Accordingly, increases in the ranks of captains and lieutenants.
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