Помогите перевести! Надо Срочно... упр.4 1 — I used to go to the theatre quite often. Unfortunately, it was closed
Помогите перевести! Надо Срочно...
1 — I used to go to the theatre quite often. Unfortunately, it was closedlast summer. — Why was it closed? Why was it closed? 2 — There used to be a church here. But only several stones are left. — When was it destroyed? 3 — This theatre will be reconstructed soon. - When will it be reconstructed? 4 — I wanted to buy some sweets for tea, but the shop was closed. - Why was it closed? 5 — This souvenir is very nice. It is made of a very unusual material - What material is it made of? 6 — This ballet will be staged in different countries! — What countries will it be staged in?
упр 3
1 James wanted to enter the room, but the door was locked.
2 I wanted to buy a new video film yesterday, but the shop was closed.
3 I wanted to go to the theatre on Saturday, but all the tickets were sold out/had been sold out.
4 Cathy thought about taking a radio to the country, but it was broken.
5 I wanted to read the paper, but it was written in some unknown language.
6 Allan wanted to break the wall, but it was made of stone.
7 They wanted to drive to the village, but the road was blocked by a fallen tree.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Упр 3
Джеймс хотел войти в комнату, но дверь была заперта.
2 Я хотел купить новый видеофильм вчера, но магазин был закрыт.
3 Я хотел пойти в театр, в субботу, но все билеты были проданы.
4 Кэти думал о взятии радио в стране, но он был сломан.
5 Я хотел бы читать газету, но она была написана на неизвестном языке.
6 Аллан хотел сломать стену, но она была сделана из камня.
7 Они хотели ехать в деревню, но дорога была перекрыта упавшим деревом.
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