Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст с русск. на англ.

Помогите пожалуйста перевести текст с русск. на англ.Кто может хорошо перевести текст с русс. на англ. ? Можно хотя бы любой из абзацев. Хоть чуть-чуть > <. Я и сама могу, но у меня есть ещё дела. Поможете?. _. Только качественно, очень прошу! Честер родился 20 марта 1976 года и рос в городе Феникс, штат Аризона. Его отец - детектив местной полиции, мать - медсестра. Его родители развелись в 1987. Честер с 11 лет стал употреблять наркотики, часто выпивать, скандалить с отцом. Первым музыкальным инструментом Честера было пианино. В юности Честер сменил много музыкальных коллективов и играл на множестве инструментов, но главным образом был вокалистом. Он не участвовал в крупных проектах до 1992 года, когда присоединился к Grey Daze. Группа распалась в 1997 году, и Честер перешёл в Linkin Park. В 1998 Linkin Park (старое название – Xero) опубликовало объявление о поиске нового вокалиста. Фирма, которая знала Честера, сказала Xero, что для этой работы подойдёт Честер Беннингтон. Они послали Честеру демоверсию и попросили Честера спеть её. В течение трех дней, один из которых был его днем рождения, он записал демоверсию и проиграл её Xero по телефону; они были поражены и попросили Честера прилететь из Феникса в Лос-Анджелес, для прослушивания. На прослушивание Честер показал себя с очень хорошей стороны. Один друг группы сказал им, что они будут сумасшедшими, если не возьмут Честера. Честер предложил назвать группу Linkoln Park, потому что его дом находился недалеко от Linkoln Park в Санта-Монике. Название им всем понравилось, но из-за того, что интернет-домен www.linkolnpark.com был уже занят, группе пришлось поменять название на Linkin Park. Они записали свой дебютный альбом Hybrid Theory в течение 1999-2000, и он был выпущен 24 октября 2000. В него вошли такие хиты, как “In the End” и “Crawling”. Во всём мире было продано более 19 миллионов копий Hybrid Theory. В 2002 Linkin Park выпустили альбом ремиксов Reanimation, на который вошли ремиксы с альбома Hybrid Theory. Следующим альбомом Честера и Linkin Park был “Meteora” с хитом “Somewhere I Belong”. Ими был выпущен концертный альбом “Live In Texas” и альбом с Jay-Z “Collision Course”. Его соавтор и член группы Майк Шинода написал песню, которая до недавнего времени не могла быть написана. Песня, называвшаяся "Breaking The Habit" возвращает воспоминания о прошлом, многие обстоятельства которого доводили Беннингтона до слез. Существует множество предположений о значении песни, включая наркоманию Честера и проблемы его детства. Для написания этой песни Майку потребовалось 6 лет. Она была готова в июне 2003 и была включена в альбом Meteora. Linkin Park работают над новым альбомом, Честер описал его как "темный, попсовый и мелодичный" непохожий на их старые альбомы, которые сочетали в себе хард-рок и хип-хоп.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Можно помочь перевести 3-5 предложений, но не 25 же!
Chester was born on March, 20th, 1976 and the Phoenix, the State of Arizona grew in a city. His father - a local police detective, mother - the nurse. His parents have divorced in 1987. Chester since 11 years began to be on drugs, often to drink, row to the father. The first musical instrument of Chester was the piano. In a youth Chester has replaced many musical collectives and played set of tools, but mainly was the vocalist. He did not participate in large-scale projects till 1992 when has joined to Grey Daze. The group has broken up in 1997, and Chester has passed in Linkin Park. In 1998 Linkin Park (the old name – Xero) has published the announcement of search of the new vocalist. The firm which knew Chester, has told Xero that for this work Chester will approach Bennington. They have sent to Chester a demoversion and have asked to sing Chester it. Within three days one of which was its birthday, he has written down a demoversion and has lost it Xero by phone; they have been amazed and have asked to arrive Chester from the Phoenix to Los Angeles, for listening. On listening Chester has proved to be from very good party. One friend of group has told it that they will be madwomen if do not take Chester. Chester has suggested to name group Linkoln Park because its house was near to Linkoln Park in Santa Monica. The name was pleasant to all of them, but that the Internet domain www.linkolnpark.com has been already occupied, the group had to change the name on Linkin Park. They have written down the debut album Hybrid Theory during 1999-2000, and it has been let out on October, 24th 2000. Such hits have entered Into it, as “In the End” and “Crawling”. All over the world it has been sold more than 19 million copies Hybrid Theory. In 2002 Linkin Park have let out an album of remixes Reanimation on which remixes from album Hybrid Theory have entered. A following album of Chester and Linkin Park was “Meteora” with a hit “Somewhere I Belong”. They had been let out a concert album “Live In Texas” and an album with Jay-Z “Collision Course”. Its co-author and a member of group Mike Shinoda has written a song which could not be written until recently. The song which was called "Breaking The Habit" returns memoirs on the past which many circumstances made Benningtona cry. There is a set of assumptions of value of a song, including a narcotism of Chester and a problem of its childhood. For a writing of this song Mike needed 6 years. It was ready in June 2003 and has been included in album Meteora. Linkin Park work over a new album, Chester has described it as "dark, pop and melodious" unlike their old albums which combined hard fate and hip-hop.
Chester was born on March, 20th, 1976 and the Phoenix, the State of Arizona grew in a city. His father - a local police detective, mother - the nurse. His parents have divorced in 1987. Chester since 11 years began to be on drugs, often to drink, row to the father. The first musical instrument of Chester was the piano. In a youth Chester has replaced many musical collectives and played set of tools, but mainly was the vocalist. He did not participate in large-scale projects till 1992 when has joined to Grey Daze. The group has broken up in 1997, and Chester has passed in Linkin Park. In 1998 Linkin Park (the old name? Xero) has published the announcement of search of the new vocalist. The firm which knew Chester, has told Xero that for this work Chester will approach Bennington. They have sent to Chester a demoversion and have asked to sing Chester it. Within three days one of which was its birthday, he has written down a demoversion and has lost it Xero by phone; they have been amazed and have asked to arrive Chester from the Phoenix to Los Angeles, for listening. On listening Chester has proved to be from very good party. One friend of group has told it that they will be madwomen if do not take Chester. Chester has suggested to name group Linkoln Park because its house was near to Linkoln Park in Santa Monica. The name was pleasant to all of them, but that the Internet domain www.linkolnpark.com has been already occupied, the group had to change the name on Linkin Park. They have written down the debut album Hybrid Theory during 1999-2000, and it has been let out on October, 24th 2000. Such hits have entered Into it, how? In the End? And? Crawling?. All over the world it has been sold more than 19 million copies Hybrid Theory. In 2002 Linkin Park have let out an album of remixes Reanimation on which remixes from album Hybrid Theory have entered. A following album of Chester and Linkin Park was? Meteora? With a hit? Somewhere I Belong?. They had been let out a concert album? Live In Texas? And an album with Jay-Z? Collision Course?. Its co-author and a member of group Mike Shinoda has written a song which could not be written until recently. The song which was called "Breaking The Habit" returns memoirs on the past which many circumstances made Benningtona cry. There is a set of assumptions of value of a song, including a narcotism of Chester and a problem of its childhood. For a writing of this song Mike needed 6 years. It was ready in June 2003 and has been included in album Meteora. Linkin Park work over a new album, Chester has described it as "dark, pop and melodious" unlike their old albums which combined hard fate and hip-hop.
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