Помогите пожалуйста 1,2,3!!!

Помогите пожалуйста 1,2,3!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. wifes, bread(нельзя), mice, sons-in-law, heroes, piano(нельзя), handkerchiefs, sheep(исключение), Universities, money(искл), libraries, flies, bushes, thieves, men, geese, children, postmen, passers-by. 2. 1the books; 2feet; 3the knives; 4laboratories; 5the roofs of the houses WERE covered...; 6news всегда пишется с S на конце, но всегда в ед.числе(The news IS good); 7advices...WERE good; 8furniture всегда в единственном; 9fruit всегда в единственном; 10There're sheep...; 11Are there workers Englishmen or Germans?;12There hotels are... but they're very nice; 13These cups are dirty; 14Those biscits were tasty. И, наконец,3 Helen's and Nick's car The bird's nest Roof's house Kate's new dictionary Stidents' book(Если мн.ч - апостроф после s) Chilrden's toys My brother-in-law's library Month's holiday Ship's crew Moscow thertres Today's conversation My friend's office
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