Помогите, пожалуйста! Расположите отрывки телефонных переговоров в правильном п
Помогите, пожалуйста! Расположите отрывки телефонных переговоров в правильном порядке.
1. —Just a moment, Mr. Green, I'm putting you through. ( )
—Yes, I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown. ( )
—Alan Green. ( )
—Who's calling, please? ( )
—Pan Electronics. Can I help you? ( )
2. - He has got it, but just in case, it's (0732) 47568. ( )
—Yes, could you ask him to return my call? ( )
—John Hurt here. Could I speak to Mr. Jones? ( )
—Certainly, sir. May I have your number? ( )
—I'm afraid, he is out at the moment. Can I take a message? ( )
3. — I'm sorry, I'm not available on Tuesday. ( )
—Good, that suits me too. What about 11 o'clock? ( )
—Just a moment. I'll get my diary .. . you said next week? ( )
—Yes, could you manage Tuesday? ( )
—Shall we say Wednesday then? ( )
—All right, Wednesday morning would suit me fine. ( )
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.—Pan Electronics. Can I help you?
—Yes, I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown.
—Who's calling, please?
—Alan Green.
—Just a moment, Mr. Green, I'm putting you through.
2. —John Hurt here. Could I speak to Mr. Jones?
—I'm afraid, he is out at the moment. Can I take a message?
—Yes, could you ask him to return my call?
—Certainly, sir. May I have your number?
- He has got it, but just in case, it's (0732) 47568. ( )
3. —Just a moment. I'll get my diary .. . you said next week?
—Yes, could you manage Tuesday?
— I'm sorry, I'm not available on Tuesday.
—Shall we say Wednesday then?
—Good, that suits me too. What about 11 o'clock?
—All right, Wednesday morning would suit me fine.
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