Помогите пожалуйста, очень очень нужно Question 1 They ________________ yet. Выберите один ответ. don't arrive haven't arrived hadn't arrived didn't arrive Question 2 I ________________ this wonderful film when I was 16...

Помогите пожалуйста, очень очень нужно Question 1 They ________________ yet. Выберите один ответ. don't arrive haven't arrived hadn't arrived didn't arrive Question 2 I ________________ this wonderful film when I was 16. Выберите один ответ. saw have seen see had seen Question 3 ________________ is your flat? Выберите один ответ. where why when how many Question 4 The new pair of trousers ________________ a bit tight on me. Выберите один ответ. were is am are Question 5 We didn't know how much time it ________________ us to finish the work. Выберите один ответ. will take would take took takes Question 6 Ask ________________ about his new flat. Выберите один ответ. him here his he Question 7 When ________________ you finish writing your report? Выберите один ответ. have are is did Question 8 Баллов: 1 She is an old woman and therefore she ________________ wear glasses. Выберите один ответ. has to must was able to can Question 9 If anyone ________________ you this news, don't believe it. Выберите один ответ. tell tells had tell will tell Question 10 She usually ________________ to bed very early. Выберите один ответ. goes has gone going go Question 11 Tell us ________________ words about your studies. Выберите один ответ. few a few little many Question 12 She has ________________ bread. Выберите один ответ. much many most few Question 13 Give me ________________ magazine, please. Выберите один ответ. some any of a few few Question 14 Баллов: 1 Is there ________________ strange in what she is saying? Выберите один ответ. no any some anything Question 15 Баллов: 1 Save your money but don’t put ________________ in the bank. Выберите один ответ. they them their it Question 16 The doctor said he ________________ be all right soon. Выберите один ответ. should would shall will Question 17 Hurry up, the train ________________ in a minute. Выберите один ответ. has left will be left is leaving was leaving Question 18 If the child ________________ no better we shall have to take him to hospital. Выберите один ответ. has does is are Question 19 Did he ________________ the week-end in the country? Выберите один ответ. spends spent spending spend Question 20 The weather is getting worse. It ________________ rain. Выберите один ответ. must need may can Question 21 Does the professor ________________ a lot of experiments? Выберите один ответ. making make made makes Question 22 After the festival is over she ________________ a vacation with her family. Выберите один ответ. will take taking take took Question 23 They ________________ by 5. Выберите один ответ. have returned has returned had returned returned Question 24 Simon met his wife while she ________________ at his hospital. Выберите один ответ. has worked was working works work Question 25 His children are so nice. I am fond of ________________. Выберите один ответ. their they him them Question 26 She bought ________________ bread in the shop yesterday. Выберите один ответ. a few a lot few some Question 27 What colour are ________________ pens? Выберите один ответ. that thus those this Question 28 If he ________________ in Moscow, he'll visit us. Выберите один ответ. were is would be will be Question 29 If you think ________________, you’ll give me the right answer. Выберите один ответ. a little few less little Question 30 She is helping ________________ brother with his lessons. Выберите один ответ. ours her me him Question 31 ________________ project is the best in our group. Выберите один ответ. its she hers her Question 32 My cat caught twenty ________________ last year! Выберите один ответ. mouses mice mouse mices Question 33 He was so tired that he couldn't ________________ us. Выберите один ответ. joining join joined to join Question 34 Who ________________ so loudly there? Выберите один ответ. is saying speaks is telling is speaking Question 35 By the end of the next week they ________________ all the exams. Выберите один ответ. have passed will have passed will pass had passed Question 36 Who ________________ you English at school? Выберите один ответ. was taught taught have taught is taught Question 37 Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? - Yes, I ________________. Выберите один ответ. were did was do Question 38 My sister has got three ________________ . Выберите один ответ. children child childrens childs Question 39 The autumn ________________ very rainy this year. Выберите один ответ. was has been was being had been Question 40 If it ________________ rain, we'll have the party outside. Выберите один ответ. doesn't wouldn't won't didn't
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.didn't arrive 2.have seen 3.where 4.were 5.would take 6.him 7.did 8.must 9.tells 10.goes 11.a few 12.much 13.some 14.anything 15.it 16.should 17.was leaving 18.are 19.spend 20.can
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