Помогите. Пожалуйста!!! Write I MUST or I HAD TO. 1. "I had to" walk home last night. There were no buses. 2. Itʻs late. "............"go now. 3. I don't usually work on Saturdays, but ladt Saturday........work. 4. ...........

Помогите. Пожалуйста!!! Write I MUST or I HAD TO. 1. "I had to" walk home last night. There were no buses. 2. Itʻs late. "............"go now. 3. I don't usually work on Saturdays, but ladt Saturday........work. 4. .........get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do. 5. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and....stand all the way. 6. I was nearly late for my appointerment this morning. ....run to get there on time. 7. I forgot to phone David yesterday. ......phone him later today.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. "I had to" walk home last night. There were no buses.  2. Itʻs late. ".I must go now." 3. I don't usually work on Saturdays, but last Saturday.I had to..work.  4. I must...get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do. 5. I went to London by train last week. The train was full and  I had to..stand all the way.  6. I was nearly late for my appointerment this morning. I had to..run to get there on time.  7. I forgot to phone David yesterday. .I must...phone him later today.
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