Помогите срочно-срочно!!!!!!!!! Among the famous real people in these pictures there are 2 actors, 4 artist, 3musicians, 2 poets, 2 scientists and 1 politician. How can it be that there are only 6 portraits? In pairs, discuss ...

Помогите срочно-срочно!!!!!!!!! Among the famous real people in these pictures there are 2 actors, 4 artist, 3musicians, 2 poets, 2 scientists and 1 politician. How can it be that there are only 6 portraits? In pairs, discuss these famous people.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Actors - Depp, Lennon Artists-Depp, Holmes, Lennon, Musicians- Depp, Lennon, Scientists-Lomonosow Politians- Kennedy. Уж извините, остальных не знаю
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