ПОЖАЛУЙСТА HELP подчеркните в них герундий, причастия и определите функции причастий (определение или обстоятельство). 1. All objects surrounding us are composed of different substances. 2. The steam locomotive invented by G.St...

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА HELP подчеркните в них герундий, причастия и определите функции причастий (определение или обстоятельство). 1. All objects surrounding us are composed of different substances. 2. The steam locomotive invented by G.Stephenson developed а low speed. 3. When placed in a strong magnetic field iron becomes magnetised. 4. When first proposed, the project for the Moscow Underground seemed unrealistic. 5. There are many ways of improving the model designed last year.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. All objects surrounding определение us are composed of different substances. 2. The steam locomotive invented определение by G.Stephenson developed а low speed. 3. When placed обстоятельство in a strong magnetic field iron becomes magnetised определение. 4. When first proposed обстоятельство, the project for the Moscow Underground seemed unrealistic. 5. There are many ways of improving определение the model designed определение last year.
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