Придумайте небольшой рассказ на English о "временах года".

Придумайте небольшой рассказ на English о "временах года".
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Такой пойдет? Надеюсь переведете сами! In the nature there are 4 seasons it is Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. In the summer weather the most stable and warm, and days solar, long and clear, all grows: trees, a grass and flowers, singing birds is audible. There comes Autumn, becomes cold, rains pour more often, in the street it is a lot of slush, we reap a crop, flowers, the grass and leaves on trees turn yellow, birds depart to the warm countries. Then the winter, in the winter coldly, days short, falls a snow, the river freezes, trees without the foliage, dressed in a snow fur coat. After Winter there comes Spring. In the spring the snow thaws, streams run, the sun shines more brightly, the ice thaws, the grass and flowers turn green, on trees there is a foliage, plant a crop, birds arrive from tropical countries. I love Spring as the nature again comes to life! .
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