Прочитай лист Джекі та заповни пропуски формою минулого часу дієслів з дужок. Dear

Прочитай лист Джекі та заповни пропуски формою минулого часу дієслів з дужок. DearMary, How are you? I ____________ (have) a wonderful time last weekend. I ____________ (go) to the seaside with my friends. We (travel) there by bus. We (not/can) find any rooms to rent, so we (stay) in a hotel with a nice view of the see. On Saturday w e____________ (spend) all day on the beach. It was a little cold, so we _______________________(not/swim) in the sea. We were just sitting on the sand and watching the sea. Then w e ____________ (have) dinner in a cafe. I _______________ (eat) fish and chips. In the evening w e ________________ (go) to the cinema, but I ___________________________ (not/like) the film very much. On Sunday we ___________(visit) a local museum. Then we__________ (walk) along the river and (take) some pictures before we (catch) the 5 o’clock bus back. I ________________(enjoy) my weekend very much. I hope your weekend________________(be) great, too. Write soon. Love, Jackie.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Had,went,travelled,couldn't,stayed,spent,didn't swim,had,ate,went,didn't like,visited,were walking,were taking,caught,enjoyed,was
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