Рассказ о динозавре"спинозавр"на английском

Рассказ о динозавре"спинозавр"на английском
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Spinosaurus (lat. Spinosaurus "spiny lizard") is a member of the family spinosauridae (Spinosauridae), who lived on the territory of modern North Africa in the Cretaceous (100-92 million years ago). For the first time this type of dinosaur was described was found in Egypt the remains of a German paleontologist Ernst Stamera von Reichenbach in 1915, which brought his remains to Munich. (lat. Spinosaurus — "spiny lizard") is a member of the family spinosauridae (Spinosauridae), who lived on the territory of modern North Africa in the Cretaceous (100-92 million years ago). For the first time this type of dinosaur was described was found in Egypt the remains of a German paleontologist Ernst Stamera von Reichenbach in 1915, which brought his remains to Munich. However, during the Second world war, on the night of 24-25 April 1944, Munich paleontological Museum was, together with these remains of the destroyed RAID of British aircraft (it is unclear if one or two species of dinosaurs were represented in the described remains). The best known species of spinosaurus — Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, found in Egypt. Currently known fossils of spinosaurus six, all of them found in North Africa. Typically, the spinosaurus is considered piscivorous predator that led a semi-aquatic lifestyle like modern crocodiles. Such a conclusion may be reached after examining the jaws of spinosaurus, which differed greatly from the jaws of other carnivorous dinosaurs. The characteristic dorsal spine of spinosaurus, which were long elongated shoots that reached 2 meters in height, was, apparently, covered by skin, forming the structure of the sails. Various functions typical of such structures include temperature regulation and display. According to the latest estimates, spinosaurus is one of the largest carnivorous animals that lived on Earth, even exceeding in length the giant predators Tyrannosaurus and giganotosaurus. The full dimensions of the skeleton, was found in 1915 by Stromeri, was 12 meters long, 5 meters in height, and the weight of the lizard was an estimated 4 tons. It is likely that the remains belonged to a young specimen. After this has been found larger fragments, on which basis it has been suggested that adult spinosaurus could reach 15-18 metres in length and weigh up to 6 tons. At the moment not found a single fairly complete skeleton of a spinosaurus to accurately judge his size.
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