Сочинение на английском языке о животном из красной книги
Сочинение на английском языке о животном из красной книги
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Lion[1] (lat. Panthera leo) is a species of predatory mammals, one of four members of the genus Panther (Panthera) belonging to the subfamily of big cats (Pantherinae) as part of the cat family (Felidae). Is, along with the tiger the largest of the living cats — some weight of males can reach 250 kg[2]. It is difficult to say reliably whether the largest subspecies of lion more or less massive than the largest subspecies of tigers. Due to the fact that the historical very large weight of Amur tigers in the most part been considered sufficiently reliable[3]. Sufficient data about the size and mass of the representatives of the largest subspecies of lion (e.g., Barbary) science does not have. As for living in captivity animals, they are often a mixture of different subspecies. There is a perception that lions in captivity a few exceed tigers in size and weight[4], as well as the reverse.
The historical range of the lion was much wider than the modern: in the early middle ages the lion met in all areas of Africa except deserts and rainforest, it can also be seen in the middle East, Iran and even in some places of southern Europe (for example, he dwelt on the territory of modern southern Russia, rising to about the 45th North parallel). In Northern and North-Western India, the lion was the usual predator. However, persecution by humans and habitat destruction led to the fact that in Africa the lion is only preserved to the South of the Sahara, its area is currently greatly reduced. In Asia, a small population exists in the Gir forest (in the Indian state of Gujarat).
Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, lions were the most widespread large mammals on Earth after humans[5]. Their fossils are found in much of Africa, across Eurasia from Western Europe to India and North America from the Yukon to Peru[6]. Famous for the rock paintings of European cave lion was, apparently, a subspecies of the modern lion.
The appearance of the lion is very peculiar. This is one of the few predators with a pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males are not only considerably larger than females, but both have a mane, which in some subspecies reaches a large development and covers the shoulders, back and chest. Color lion yellow-gray with different shades, the mane is often the same color as the skin, but can be dark, even black. A subspecies of the lion are determined largely by the color of their mane. With the exception of the mane, the hair on the body of the beast is short, only at the end of the tail has a tassel of long hair.
Lions inhabit mainly Savannah, but can sometimes move into the Bush or forest terrain. Unlike other cats, they don't live alone, and in particular family groups — pride events. The pride usually consists of related females, offspring and a few adult males. The females hunt together, in most cases on large ungulates. Lions do not prey on people purposefully, but there are cases of cannibalism very often. Lions are apex predators, that is, occupy the top position in the food chain.
In nature, lions live for ten to fourteen years, while in captivity can live longer than twenty years. Males, as a rule, seldom live more than ten years. It happens because of fights with other lions greatly reduce their life expectancy[7].
Lions are vulnerable species due to irreversible reduction of their abundance. Over the last two decades the number of lions in Africa has decreased by 30-50 %[8]. Populations are particularly vulnerable outside of protected areas. The reason of decline is not completely understood, however, the greatest threats are habitat loss and conflict with humans. Lions were kept in menageries since Roman Empire, and the end of XVIII century are the main animals in zoos. Zoos around the world are collaborating in the breeding programme for the endangered Asiatic subspecies.
Leo is one of the main places in human culture. Images of these animals are known since the Paleolithic, as evidenced by rock paintings in the caves of Lascaux and Chauvet. Lions were popular in the culture in ancient times and middle Ages, they are reflected in sculpture, paintings, on national flags, emblems, myths, literature and movies.
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