There are a lot of idioms which contain “parts of the body”. Choose the correct variant and then translate the whole sentence into the Russian language. a) My friend always pulls my ______ about my red hair. ...

There are a lot of idioms which contain “parts of the body”. Choose the correct variant and then translate the whole sentence into the Russian language. a) My friend always pulls my ______ about my red hair. 1)knee 2)leg 3)nose 4) arm 5)finger b) My brother is ______ over heels in love with Ann. 1)eye 2)hair 3)head 4)ears 5)brain c) I didn’t want to lend him any money, but he twisted my _______. 1)finger 2)shoulder 3)elbow 4)arm 5)hand d) I called my mom because I needed to get something off my _______. 1)head 2)heart 3)chest 4)stomach 5)hands e)-We won the basketball match 78-76. -It was 78-77, actually. -Stop splitting _________! We won, didn’t we?! 1)fingers 2)hairs 3)feet 4)nails 5)teeth
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
a) My friend always pulls my leg about my red hair. b) My brother is head over heels in love with Ann. c) I didn’t want to lend him any money, but he twisted my arm. d) I called my mom because I needed to get something off my chest. e) -We won the basketball match 78-76. - It was 78-77, actually. - Stop splitting hairs! We won, didn’t we?! а) Мой друг всегда подшучивает надо мной из-за моих рыжих волос. б) Мой брат по уши влюблен в Энн. в) Я не хотел давать ему денег, но он выкрутил мне руки. d) Я позвонил мам, чтобы сбросит груз с плеч. д) - Мы выиграл баскетбольный матч 78-76. - Да нет же, 78-77. - Не спорь по пустякам! Мы ведь выиграли, не так ли ?!
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