У Фреда выдался весьма необычный день.непохожий на все остальные.воспользуйся таблицей и расскажи о нем. Образец.At six o,clock Fred usually sleeps but today he,s getting up. When? Who? Usually do / does ...

У Фреда выдался весьма необычный день.непохожий на все остальные.воспользуйся таблицей и расскажи о нем. Образец.At six o,clock Fred usually sleeps but today he,s getting up. When? Who? Usually do / does Is/Are doing today 6 o,clock Fred sleep get up 7 o,clock Fred and his wife have breakfast go to work 8 o,clock Fred drive to his office sit at the desk 1 o,clock Fred and his wife have luch speak on the phone 5 o,clock Fred meet his boss go home 7o,сlock p.m. Fred and his wife eat at home together meet their friends 11 o,clock Fred and his wife go to bed dance and sing Do you know why? Today is Fred,s birthday.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
At 7 o'clock Fred and his wife usually have breakfast, but today they are going to work. At 8 o'clock Fred  usually drives to his office, but today he is sitting at the desk. At 1 o'clock Fred and his wife usually have lunch, but today they are speaking on the phone. At 5 o'clock Fred usually meets his boss, but today he is going home. At 7o'сlock Fred and his wife usually eat at home together, but today they are meeting their friends. At 11 o'clock Fred and his wife usually go to bed, but today they are dancing and singing.
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