Употребите правильную форму глагола to have 1) Yesterday I … notimetogotothecinema. 2) Shecan’ttranslatethisword, she… nodictionary. 3) We… … industrialtrainingnextyear. 4) They… novacantroomsinthehotel. 5) … hegotanewcar?

Употребите правильную форму глагола to have 1) Yesterday I … notimetogotothecinema. 2) Shecan’ttranslatethisword, she… nodictionary. 3) We… … industrialtrainingnextyear. 4) They… novacantroomsinthehotel. 5) … hegotanewcar?
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1) had 2) has 3) have 4) have 5) has
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