Упражнение 10. Дополните предложения предлогами времени at, in, on, from … till, since, by, for: 1. We have been friends … childhood. 2. She will be at the Institute … 10 a.m. … 3 p.m. 3. She has lived in St. Petersburg … 1970....

Упражнение 10. Дополните предложения предлогами времени at, in, on, from … till, since, by, for: 1. We have been friends … childhood. 2. She will be at the Institute … 10 a.m. … 3 p.m. 3. She has lived in St. Petersburg … 1970. 4. I shall read this book … the end of the week. 5. I havent spoken to him 2 months. 6. Do you think he is going to stay ever? 7. He bought the car August. 8. He never comes to class time. 9. She arrived five oclock in a taxi. 10. Every morning I get on the bus 8.30. 11. I wont be back several hours. You should eat without me. 12. Everyone finished dinner seven oclock. 13. Will you lend me your pen a minute? 14. I have known Dan ... many years. 15. I have been working on this two hours. 16. He gets up seven oclock the morning and goes to bed eleven. 17. His office hours are ten six. 18. The train will leave two minutes. 19. I was not there last summer. 20. Can you meet me Friday afternoon? 21. She always visits me Sundays. 22. Its very cool here the evening. 23. I met her 1982. 24. She got many nice presents her birthday. 25. They may stay in Europe several months. Упражнение 12. а) Напишите по-английски словами: 3; 13; 30; 4; 14; 49; 5; 15; 50; 8; 18; 80; 12; 100; 226; 705; 1, 000; 4, 568; 6, 008; 75,137; 425, 712; 1, 306, 527; 2, 032, 678. б) Ответьте на вопросы. Напишите числительные полностью. 1. How many minutes are there in two hours? 2. How many kilometers are there in a mile? 3. What is your normal temperature? 4. How much do you weigh? 5. How many cents are there in $2.5? 6. How many days are there in a year? 7. When were you born? 8. What is your telephone number? 9. What is the number of your flat? 10. What is the approximate population of Russia? Упражнение 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. 1. John is in the room, he (to sit) there since the morning. 2. You look very upset. What (to happen)? 3. John, do you know where my bag is? I (to look) for it half an hour and I cant find it. 4. Look, your brother (to dance) with that red-haired girl since she came into the room. 5. He (to sleep) soundly for two hours and I (to forget) to wake him. 6. She (to teach) at school for twenty years. 7. The children (to sleep) for six hours. 8. He (to live) in Stockholm since last year. 9. Where is George? Im afraid he (to drink) all the night. 10. This girl never (to see) the sea. 11. What you (to eat)? Your lips and chin are purple! 12. Im feeling unwell so I (not, eat) anything today. 13. Our firm (to make) biscuits ever since the reign of Charles II. 14. … anyone here (to lose) a silver pencil? 15. I (to wait) for you for ages. Thanks heavens you’re here at last!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Ex.10: 1. Since 2. From...till 3. In 4. In 14. For Ex.12 a): Three Thirteen Thirty Four Fourteen Forty nine Five Fifteen Fifty Eight Eighteen Eighty Twelve One hundred Two hundred twenty six Seven hundred five One thousand Four thousand five hundred sixty eight Six thousand eight Seventy five thousand one hundred thirty seven Four hundred twenty five Seven hundred twelve One thousand three hundred six Five hundred twenty seven Two thousand thirty two Six hundred seventy eight
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