VI. Поставьте вместо пропусков am / are / is или do / does. 1. … they planning to stay long? 2. It … not take much time to do it. 3. It … quite cold outdoors. It … snowing heavily. 4. … you need any help? VII. Раскройте скобки,...

VI. Поставьте вместо пропусков am / are / is или do / does. 1. … they planning to stay long? 2. It … not take much time to do it. 3. It … quite cold outdoors. It … snowing heavily. 4. … you need any help? VII. Раскройте скобки, употребив верное cлово или словосочетание. 1. We like watching TV together … . We … watch talk shows. (normally / every / evening / now) 2. I … have any problems with Grammar and … ask for help. (never / seldom / sometimes) 3. She … stays up late especially … when she gets ready for the seminars in philosophy. (currently / on Mondays / often) 4. I meet him … a year and we ... talk for hours. (always / never / several times)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
VI. 1. are 2. does 3. is, is 4. Do VII. 1. every evening, normally 2. never, never 3. often, on Mondays 4. several times, always
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