Вставь слова и прочитай рассказ о моей сестре. I have qot a little sister. Her name ____ Lena. She___ six. She ___ read Russian, but she ____ ____ Enqlish. Lena ____ sinq and dance. She ___ to___ and ___ roller-skate. She ___ _...

Вставь слова и прочитай рассказ о моей сестре. I have qot a little sister. Her name ____ Lena. She___ six. She ___ read Russian, but she ____ ____ Enqlish. Lena ____ sinq and dance. She ___ to___ and ___ roller-skate. She ___ ___ many friends. They ___ to play dolls. I ___ my sister.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)is 2)is 3)can 4)cant 5)read 6)can 7)can 8)нечего не надо писать 9)have 10) got 11)are 12)love
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