Вставьте слова somebody, something, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody в пропуски в предложениях 1.It was night and he couldnt see... 2.There are ... books on the table, but I dont know how many. 3. Were there ... toys in box?...
Вставьте слова somebody, something, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody в пропуски в предложениях
1.It was night and he couldnt see...
2.There are ... books on the table, but I dont know how many.
3. Were there ... toys in box? - Yes, there were ...
4. Did you see...in the field? - No, I sew...there
5. The boy didnt ask ... to help him make a chair
6. Is there ... coffee in the cup? - No, there isnt. There is... milk in it.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
It was night and he couldnt see moon
There are many books on the table, but I dont know how many
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